- Sordid Lives Comedy by Del Shores, Co-Directed by Lanier Young & Renea Runnels
- *Season Extra* Wrinkle in Time A Family Play by Madeleine L’Engle, Adapted by Morgan Gould, Co-Directed by Shawna Glad & Vanessa Pearson
- Burn A Psychological Thriller, a play by J. Muggleton, Directed by Lanier Young and Assistant Director Lorie Halford
- Dashing Through the Snow a Comedy by J. Jones, N. Hope & J. Wooten, Directed by Julie Owen
- Four Old Broads a Comedy by Leslie Kimbell, Directed by Renea Runnels
- Rustlers of Red Rock a Melodrama by D. Chapelle, Directed by Jeff Merriman
- The Bold and Bob (World Premier) a comedy written and directed by Jean Ciampi
BLACK BOX – No Productions this Season